John Williamson

Position: Director and Board Chairman

Board Responsibilities: Promotions and Human Resources Committees, Legal Counsel

Board Involvement: Appointed 22/12/2010

Background / Interests: John is a practising and principal solicitor of a legal firm in Mount Gambier and enjoys being involved in community activities of all types. Serving as a UFS Director enables him to contribute to a valuable and long standing not for profit organisation.

Bernadette Douglas

Position: Director

Board Responsibilities: Chair of Promotions Committee

Board Involvement: Appointed 01/07/2008

Background / Interests: Diploma of Business, Advanced Diploma Community Sector Management, Justice of the Peace. Life Memberships: netball and softball. Rotary Club of Mount Gambier Lakes Past President. South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) – trainer.

25 years experience in banking, not for profit, public and business sectors. Branch Manager Retail Banking over ten years.

Currently: Anglican Community Care Inc Manager Facilities and Administration, Privacy Officer.

Valerie Murrell

Position: Director

Rod Sparks

Position: Director

Stuart Stansfield

Position: Director